Reading Starting 31st Jan – 6th Feb 2020

There are going to be quite the epiphanies and ‘aha’ moments this week, especially if you have been troubling over something for a few weeks and it yes it will feel divinely guided in how the answer comes to you. Trust it. You are being gently nurtured this week so if you are already feeling tired moving into the second month of the newest decade, you are being reminded to take a step back and take a deeeeep breath. Within the shadow there is insight, deep reflection and moments as mentioned with the ‘aha’s’.

You are being over watched this week so take notice of your dreams, the sensations of feeling supported and not being alone, as well as those sudden insights that come from no where to ‘act/do something’.  Even if it feels silly, you will soon be validated in your actions by someone who notices.

This week you will be affected by the moon’s feminine energy with the balance of Light and Dark sides of the Moon. Honor all that is within you but know that for those who are in the shadow – that beautiful things will be revealed. Those in the Bright – then be mindful you are not blinded by showmanship. Interesting thing to say – but see the truth in all things this week. It won’t be very hard; you will be able to tell what is real and what is illusion. Plus, you will also be able to see the bigger picture so take a step sideways, backwards or if brave, forward – and all will be shown to you.

There will be some ancient insight coming through you this week, whether you feel you are capable of tapping into old wisdom or not – irrelevant. One thing that will be revealed this year is that things you didn’t think were within your capabilities will occur at times and you are strongly encouraged to embrace this please. Listen with all parts of you, if it feels like a suggestion, guidance or for some, a warning, then act on it. Try not get too caught up in the origin of any intuitive message this week. Irrelevant once again – just do it and then if you wish; reflect on the why-for’s, or how-too’s.

Something deep that has been hidden is coming to the surface and you are strongly encouraged to allow it – no it is not going to rehash old hurts – it is going to reveal one of your biggest strengths. Sheesh this week feels like a big one for many so please – relax into and go gently. Do not go looking for all said for it will find you in weird and wonderful ways. Journal and share it when it happens so it settles into your reality space.

[man I feel like this week they are talking in riddles – sorry about that but it does feel kinda important]

Trust where this week is headed for you have many key Soul elements brought into your life. Embrace your magic wholeheartedly and find that creative spark to bring further newness and excitement into your world. Man I am trying to avoid sound like a hallmark card here but weird how it feels this way this week. It can be enjoyable if you allow it to be….

Phoenix Paton using Klinger & Taylor’s ‘The Akashic Tarot’ – card pulled ‘ 2 of Roses‘ Winged Messengers

Reading Starting 24th Jan – 30th Jan 2020

This week or even year may be a bit of a shake up of people in positions of power in your life and how you respond to that. Whether they are people you work with, the hierarchy of the household or even the pecking order of your friends. Some will resist this, and others will calmly observe and decide how they want it to affect them. Please chose the latter because in this way you will be less affected by it, as well as still being able to be how you are and only tweaking interactions in a minimal way. If you get annoyed or frustrated by the behaviors of others, then indirectly you may find that your own behaviors might match, and you wont like who you will become.

Often, we find it humorous when there are people in power who truly believe their actions or ideas are valued more so than others. A true leader brings in the strengths of the whole ‘team’ to support one another, with the premise of success, and teaches others how to lean on others with their learning needs. Everyone plays a part and well. Those are the people we should admire, those willing to allow the ‘student’ to bring substance to the ‘master’. Does this make sense? These are what you will want more of in the coming year, and most definitely this week as people re re-assert themselves in their human dynamic.

What we are essentially saying to you here is that you have value, no matter how much you believe you bring to the group/table/team/family. Do not let anyone else tell you otherwise. Everyone is on a learning curve in some way and everyone also has something to bring into a situation. Honor everyone. If you are the teacher/leader/master of something, then it is your responsibility to ensure that people feel valued. If you are not, then ensure that you acknowledge your value in a group situation even if it is just to yourself or those you trust.

This week there is a path for you to take and some of you may be a little surprised about how it is being presented to you for you might have a choice in direction. Remember the things you enjoy and ask yourself ‘Will this make me happy to do?’. Remember the feeling last week that we talked about – the childlike excitement or just feeling appreciated. Harness this to answer your question and if it feels off-key then smile and give gratitude for the opportunity and know that another will come along. Be honest and no knee jerk response to the offer when it arrives.

This week, irrespective if you like it or not, you need to listen to a piece of music that lifts your soul. You may not like it at a human level, but it is going to do some healing and re-establishing your life path journey. Be mindful how music influences you this week because it is going to be like a tonic to the soul. Odd thing to say we know but take a moment and allow it work its magick.

This week stand your ground if someone pushes you in a direction that you really do not want to take; this feels more work/income based rather than personal. If you are self-employed, then find someone you trust to get advice before making a decision.  Remember all things grow from that which we are passionate about. If the water is stagnant, then nothing will flow right.

Phoenix Paton using Klinger & Taylor’s ‘The Akashic Tarot’ – card pulled ’18; HILARION’

Reading Starting 17th Jan – 23rd Jan 2020

What is always stock standard when starting a new year, and even more important when starting a new decade, we often find ourselves wonder if we are on the right path, reviewing where we have come from in comparison to where we thought we would be and this is very acceptable and healthy. What tends to make people unbalanced is the focus and how it how it makes you feel. If you are finding that you are already dissatisfied within the first few weeks of the new decade/year then there is a core thing about you that you may need to address, change and/ or release / allow. Sure, many of you will think ‘But I have revisited this, why do I need to do it again?’. If you are truly not excited about the opportunities ahead, you are already minimizing their natural entrance into your perception where it is present and ready to grab.

What do I do about that? Well lovelies you remember that space of quiet reflection where you felt at peace and swirls of enthusiasm pushing your moment. This is the energy to attempt to be absorbed by this week so that we can ensure that the magic that is moving around you remains on point to your truest desires. We cannot fake this; we must truly feel it and incorporate it in our daily thinking. This is not saying we want you to think about what you want – no – sheesh humans are notorious at thinking about many concerns surrounding our dreams, instead of just flying with them. So, the energy to harness this week is remembering that moment when after sleeping the night, you checked to see if the tooth fairy left you a coin and magically it was ‘there!’ when you were little. Or your favorite ever Christmas present that received at any age and how it made you feel whole and appreciated… worthy of love.

That is the energy that will propel you in the right direction. That is the energy that will take away all your human concerns about how it will all come to play. Stop tripping up manifestation for it will slam dunk you. Oh, and that is another thing to remember this week. If you have recently been told, that many things are on the horizon for you of a specific nature and you do not want that because it involves stepping outside of your comfy zone; well buckle up brothers and sisters; It will happen no matter how hard you resist and you will just prolong the discomfort if you go into stubborn ‘ I don’t wanna’ mode. Please heed this for it is how it will be. Everyone is being asked to be accountable in amongst their potential in this new decade and it has already been revealed to many of you.

See the depth of how things can be; rather than the surface way it makes you feel initially. See how you can make something you don’t want to do for various reasons, into something that benefits you 100%. No cannot be the first thought, feeling or action. There is no limit to where you are going, but how easy this will be, and what supports will be placed to assist you is based on your response to things.

There is a lot of seedlings being created this week in how you respond, how you feel , what things are consuming your thoughts so lets plant some good ones huh. It truly is a fertile ground at the moment in many ways – with creative ideas, human soul game-play, and for those wanting new additions to the family – the doorways are open as well.

Phoenix Paton using Klinger & Taylor’s ‘The Akashic Tarot’ – card pulled ‘ 7 of Roses; The Journey’

My take on Sacred Geometry

In existence there is a language – a mathematical language that is incorporated as the building code for the foundations of life. These codes are found in all cultures, in nature , and within science. Essentially life is perfect – and is shown through symbolic imagery in many things within the cosmos. It is the greater representation of Oneness – where all is one reminding how there is relationship of things in nature to the whole. This connectedness is shown in the blueprint for existence for our mind to understand creation.

The type of symbolic perfection that is amongst our world are the following;

The Sphere which has been described as the ‘ultimate expression of Unity’ – that is such a beautiful concept that many on our planet have forgotten yet it is all in plain sight how we are all in this together.

The Circle – a two dimensional representation of the Sphere – representing ‘Duality’ – both sides of the coin. However this is where our mathematical introduction has been revealed starting with the concept of Pi – for the diameter of the circle is known as the original ‘transcendental and irrational’ number.


Pi equals about 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937511… representing infinity transcending the linear rationality that it contains.

The Point – at the centre of the circle there is always a point which represents dimensional origin – essentially it needs no dimension or embraces all. All is nothing is All where reveals the illusion of time and space – there here and now.

The Square Root of Two – this is where the ‘whole is more than the sum of its parts’. The root of two originating from the square leads to a bigger unity and thus a higher expression truth, faithful to its lineage.

The Golden Ratio – essentially representing perfect growth where the ratio of the whole to the larger portion is the same as the ratio of the larger portion to the smaller that it was born from. This represents generational information from our ancestors reminding us that from life is born life symbolically linking each to the other. Examples are the Great Pyramid of Giza and also Fibonacci Series.

The Fibonacci Series is a set of numbers that begins with one and one and each term thereafter is the sum of the prior two terms, thus: 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144. This sequence appears in various forms in nature; spiral arms of daisies, the chronology of rabbit populations, sequence of leaf patterns.

The progression of Sacred geometry expands a great many views with an understanding of existence as a symbolic representation of life.

The Square Root of 3 and the Vesica Piscis
Fractals and Recursive Geometries
Perfect Right Triangles
The Platonic Solids
The Archimedean Solids
Metatron’s Cube
see this PAGE for further explanation on these terms for I will not be able to do it justice. Maths is something that I get lost and confused in laughs

The Flower of Life represents the vast akashic system of information which grows and grows.

The tree of life has been known to be a concept , metaphor or model to describe the evolution of life describing the partnerships and workings in amongst living and extinct organisms according to Charles Darwin ‘ Origin of Species (1859)’

This metaphorical connection within the tree of life , to all things have been displayed in many cultures;

Ancient Iran
Ancient Egypt
Ancient Mesopotamia and Uratu
Baha’i Faith
Latter Day Saint movement
Germanic paganism and Norse mythology
North America
Serer religion

With many cultures saying the same thing, one wonders whether there is more to this than meets the eye, perhaps an understanding that lies within all of us at our core. The symbolic representations on our planet are primarily an ancient language that stimulates many of you at a DNA level – which activates many parts within to create the physical and intellectual freedom to evolve and move towards that which brings a remembering clarity into a persons life.

As long as there is no associative – definition – with that symbol that was defined by humanity – then you will soon see that the old language of sacred geometry is in many aspects of culture – and yes there are many similar – then you can explore what it means for you – the individual – rather than how it has already be designed.

If you come across a symbol that you have a natural affiliation for – then it is up to you to sit with it and see what comes forward in the way of information. No please do not use the IN TER NET – for that once again is a limitating source network – if you need it to trigger a flow then by all means read it but do not be surprised if when you sit with the symbol and you get a whole lot more – just because it cannot be validated by your current means in life – does not mean it is true.

Phoenix Paton with excerpts from my channeled friends Cheron

My unique take on Crop Circles

It is not my place to denounce or confirm of crop circles are created by man or visitors to our planet. All I know is that when I look at some of them there is a definite connection within me that makes me feel inspired, that there is a hidden language being tapped into either from within a persons soul to Source, or from the soul of a non alien life providing maps of star systems, genetic coding, or even an ancient language of old that we have yet to remember.

Sure there are theories that these beautiful works are art are created through GPS as well as lasers / mirowaves , or traditionally with people hanging from ropes with planks of wood. To be honest I do not care how they are created, just the effect some of the have within me at my core.

At times these amazing creations have been in conjunction with UFO sightings as discussed and confirmed by many. Personally I believe anything is possible and sure a few of these may be unhidden messages from the beyond. Many have been linked to time travel and alien life. Some scientists have successfully decoded the messages within some crop circles. One of the examples as seen on the internet was ‘ Much pain, but still time. Believe. There is good out there’, or ‘ Beware the bearers of false gifts and their broken promises; we oppose deception. Conduit closing’. Well that is one persons interpretation

How to tell hoax – well according to Dr Drew told guests at the March UFO & Paranormal Research Society of Australia (UFO-PRSA) seminar in Sydney, that you cant absolutely prove that it isnt a hoax but there are some things to look for. Crops bent halfway up their stems rather than from the ground could be an indicator.

I personally think they are beautiful and incredible and most definitely on my bucket list to be in among one in my future – real or not – incredible connection to old languages.

A short video to watch from YouTube

Reading Starting 10th Jan – 16th Jan 2020

Everyone has within them, the ability to follow through towards anything that they are passionate about and have a focus on. This week you are strongly encouraged to think about what you hope to achieve in the near future, as well as just pushing through the daily experience to learn some snippet of newness each day. This week is about embracing the new so if you are given the opportunity then grab it with both hands. It has presented because you are ready. Have zero doubts or questions about how, just say yes and then allow the excitement to build.

You may have a dialogue with someone who is wanting advice, and although you can see what the right thing to do is for this person, they may not be willing to hear it. This is more about them than what is the right thing to say, just trust in your instincts please. Eventually what you say will seed, and start to flower and then perhaps the person will have a sudden aha moment based on the conversation that you both had this week.

Have you ever done scrying before? Okay I know this is an odd thing to say during a reading but light a candle and rest your eyes on the flame for it may reveal something to you that you did not realise was a ‘thing’. Try not to over think this right now, but as you settle – take notice of how you feel as you sit with the candle or flame and what types of thoughts and visions may come your way. For some you will have something reveal over and above once again what you thought a certain way about. You will gather insight and perhaps a solution to a problem that has been eluding you.

You may find that many people will be contemplative this week almost to the point that you think that they are not listening to you which may make you feel a little frustrated but seedlings are being planted, you just have to be patient.  The same thing may be happening to you where you are questioning your own actions or behaviours that you would like to improve, so follow through with the direction that feels right for you at this time.

This is a great week to be around like minded people where you realise that you are not alone as you thought you were – so allow yourself to immerse in same-same people that think the way that you do and have conversations similar to that which you enjoy. Allow your mind and heart to be stimulated by good discussion and energy. You may find that if you have been in the student role that you will have a lot to share and perhaps teach with those that you consider wise and learned. They too will enjoy what you have to say if they are good ‘teachers’, because are all exploring and learning with each passing moment. Steer clear of those who think they are above reproach or listening to those they deem lesser. That is a whole lot of NOPE for me indeed. I love to learn by everything and everyone. Everyone has a unique approach and insight on things

Phoenix Paton using Klinger & Taylor’s ‘The Akashic Tarot’ – card pulled ‘11 The Ark of the Covenant’

Reading Starting 3rd Dec 2020 – 9th Jan 2020

Well this is a lovely card to receive after the busy of transitioning from one decade to another, and also surviving the human silly of the crazy season of Christmas. Although, potentially it may have been some awesome times with family, friends or even just spending a quiet one with yourself but as we move into a new year, it makes sense that we start to acclimatize to the new energy that is Jan 2020. Some may be on holiday, some are still working very hard, but all need to reach that perfect balance between Mind Body and Soul.

Those things that you may have put on the back burner – you are going to need to scrub them off and bring them forward to deal with them. You do not want to start the New Year dealing with the ‘stuff’ of 2019. Remember ladies and gentlemen, we are moving on and grown from many things of 2019 and it is time to reinvent yourself into the being that you prefer, not which is created through manipulated opinions of others. Does that make sense – you are being asked to stand your ground, objectively and assertive (not aggressive) Behave in ways that empowers you, not makes you regret the things you say and do. You know what we mean here.

This is a great week to plan without rush or concern or the pressure of external influences so when you have that moment, sit down and prioritize that which is important and that which can wait. Remember that you are just one who does not have to do the work of all. Delegate where you can to those that you trust and know that they will step up to the plate because many are wanting to be more than the person that they were last year. Many will fall over to assist so give them a task that is tailored to their strengths.

Then with the things that you are good at you can devote the time needed to a project to ensure that it is on its way into fruition for the year ahead. Although try not to think to grandiose because you do not have to do the work of 12 months, in one week *laughs* even though many of you may feel that you can.  Make sure you spend some time outside to replenish and gain much needed breathers in the week to ensure a clear creative mind.

One of the things that you need remember this week is that you have a lot of abilities under your human life tool belt and it is really important that you self-honor this. Much of what will present to you in the near future is going to call on some of the things that you learned from 2019, not so much a repeat of a situation but a building of a project that deals with behaviors of others. You have learned not to play in the game of others for they have their own story to write, as do you. However, what you can do is add to what you have grown from and sometimes tweaking some of your own approaches to challenges or adventures.

What you do this week is going to have a follow on affect for the next few months so make sure you start of the way you mean to continue. Do not be concerned about abundance, for that is going to flow into your life easier than what you believe – as long as you trust that. Know that if you have been a bit of a dim tunnel then there is light at the end of it so take a deep clearing breath and state ‘ I am ready to explore freely’.

Phoenix Paton using Klinger & Taylor’s ‘The Akashic Tarot’ – card pulled ‘7 of Forces, BALANCE’